Resources and References

Resources and References


The University of Virginia does not tolerate theft, waste, or abuse of state, University, or University-related funds, property, or other resources through fraudulent means

All faculty, staff, Medical Center Employees, and other individuals associated with the University (e.g., contractors, vendors, volunteers, student employees, and others while working or acting on behalf of the University or the Medical Center) must immediately report known or suspected Fraudulent Transactions to UVA Audit, regardless of the source of funds.

Individuals are encouraged to use the following avenues to report concerns.

For more information see University Policy GOV-002: Reporting and Investigation of Fraudulent Transactions 



These websites, with the exception of University of Virginia policies and resources websites, are maintained by other external organizations.  Please be aware that University of Virginia does not control or guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of this external information.